Etterna stuff
Below you will find everything etterna related that I have made or worked on!
Charting advice
This takes you to a page that includes a tonne of simple advice for getting started charting, such as how to sync, how to set metadata, basic terminology, and advice reguarding what to do/not to do. There's no way back to the main site from here.
Visit pageBGchange formatter
This takes you to a tool I wrote for sorting out bgchanges easily. Very simple tool, but I used it to make a few bgchange heavy charts much easier! Warning: bright white page
Visit pageCharting Resources
Page listing every charting resource I compiled into one single page for ease of access to help people learn to chart. There's no way back to the main page from here.
Visit pagePractice recommendations
Page that recommends numerous packs based on your chosen skillset, all of which will help you improve as a player. There's no way back to the main page from here.
Visit pageEtterna Theme repo
Page that lists all the available themes for Etterna in one handy place, complete with links to download/check them out.
Visit pageChordjack Density short essay
This will take you off the website, to a google doc I wrote regarding density management within chordjacks. It's very brief.
Read mini-essayChordjack practice spreadsheet
This will take you off the website, to a comprehensive spreadsheet I made to help people practice chordjacks, complete with comments about what each chart helps practice.
View spreadsheetCharter survey results
This will take you off the website, to a spreadsheet that hosts the results of a survey I did a few years back relating to charters favourite packs, charts, and some comments on stuff they enjoyed making most.
View spreadsheet