Song Choice

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Why does Song Choice matter?

Song Choice is important for both your own enjoyability, and for your ability to learn. This segment won't be too long, as it's not a major part of charting, but is just something to consider. It's important to mention that you should only chart music that you personally want to chart once you're experienced enough to do so. Unfortunately however, many charters fall into the pitfall of immediately charting complex music that's way out of their skill level. When you're learning, you should try to chart very simple music while learning, something single bpm, with a consistent rhythm. After getting the fundamentals down, you can then move on to more complex music. This can, sometimes, result in you charting music that isn't quite to your interest, but is worthwhile to chart sometimes while learning, because it helps you down the line in charting your favourite music. The ultimate goal should be to make cool charts for music you love.

Of course there is no right or wrong for what songs you should chart. You're free to chart whatever you want, and do what you want, a new charters perspective could result in a unique chart someone else might never have thought of, however mopre often than not, new charters who immediately jump into complex music will struggle to finish it, and will give up charting. I've seen it firsthand a number of times, where someone jumps into charting, chooses a complex song that they don't have the skill to chart yet, and then get frustrated at themselves before quitting charting. It's unfortunate but understandable.