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                                                                                       /$$  | $$                              
                                                                                      |  $$$$$$/                              


Welcome to The Etterna Touhou Project! This is my 5th project and 11th pack that I've worked on. 
Originally it was supposed to be a simple pack project from my newfound love for Touhou music. 
I just want to say that for anyone that download this pack, thank you for giving this pack a go, 
this pack is probably the biggest improvement for me as a charter in general, 
especially when I usually go for a more flow-y kinda pattern. 
Anyhow, be prepared for some fun stuff ♥  I also recommend not to preview the files in the game since
some will have some lua scripting and I do recommend as well to first play this on 1.0 and in order to get the full experience ♥

 /$$$$$$$  /$$  /$$$$$$   /$$$$$$  /$$                     /$$   /$$                     
| $$__  $$|__/ /$$__  $$ /$$__  $$|__/                    | $$  | $$                     
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| $$  | $$| $$| $$_/    | $$_/    | $$| $$      | $$  | $$| $$  | $$    | $$  | $$       
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| $$$$$$$/| $$| $$      | $$      | $$|  $$$$$$$|  $$$$$$/| $$  |  $$$$/|  $$$$$$$       
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|  $$$$$$/ |  $$$$/| $$      |  $$$$$$/|  $$$$$$$  |  $$$$/|  $$$$$$/| $$      |  $$$$$$$
 \______/   \___/  |__/       \______/  \_______/   \___/   \______/ |__/       \_______/

The pack itself is structured with EASY/NORMAL/HARD/LUNATIC/EXTRA/PHANTASM 
where Easy to Lunatic follows the standard progression of difficulty, 
Extra Stage is where some of the gimmicks come in the form of lua scripting and 
Phantasm is the boss file of the pack. It's as simple as that ♥ 
Difficulty is placed by max MSD (MSD earned @ 96.5%) plus a bit of fudge factor 
depending if the file's either underrated or overrated in the allotted MSD. 
each difficulty from Easy to Lunatic has 3 songs plus a boss song.

  /$$$$$$                                /$$ /$$             /$$    
 /$$__  $$                              | $$|__/            | $$    
| $$  \__/  /$$$$$$  /$$$$$$$   /$$$$$$ | $$ /$$  /$$$$$$$ /$$$$$$  
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|  $$$$$$/|  $$$$$$/| $$  | $$|  $$$$$$$| $$| $$ /$$$$$$$/  |  $$$$/
 \______/  \______/ |__/  |__/ \____  $$|__/|__/|_______/    \___/  
                               /$$  \ $$                            
                              |  $$$$$$/                            

[EASY-1] Can you name the Touhou? / Shinra-Bansho & ちょこふぁん (Zeta & Samctuary)
[EASY-2] Greedy Party Night / あまろ,美津紀 (Samctuary)
[EASY-3] Four-Dimensional Warp Device / koutaq (Freya)
[EASY-BOSS] Dynamite / Shinra-Bansho (James May)
[NORMAL-1] Lunarian Speedway / Nocti (James May)
[NORMAL-2] Lost Bamboo Thicket / SOUND HOLIC (Samctuary)
[NORMAL-3] Fate of the world / 紺碧studio (Sheenoboo & Samctuary)
[HARD-1] Passionate Satori Ole! / Xe (Samctuary)
[HARD-3] Strawberry Crisis!! / ZUN (James May)
[HARD-BOSS] Timekiller / Kommisar (Kaho)
[LUNATIC-1] Back 2 Clay / Amane Oikawa (Misrule & Martzi)
[LUNATIC-2] Plastic Mind / dbu (XelNya & Shadowgod)
[EXTRA-Stage] Amanojaku Reverse (feat. ytr) / TAMAONSEN (poco0317 & Samctuary)
[PHANTASM] Ethereal Phantom / IneSim (Misrule)

  /$$$$$$                                /$$           /$$         /$$     /$$                           /$$                
 /$$__  $$                              |__/          | $$        | $$    | $$                          | $$                
| $$  \__/  /$$$$$$   /$$$$$$   /$$$$$$$ /$$  /$$$$$$ | $$       /$$$$$$  | $$$$$$$   /$$$$$$  /$$$$$$$ | $$   /$$  /$$$$$$$
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 \______/ | $$____/  \_______/ \_______/|__/ \_______/|__/         \___/  |__/  |__/ \_______/|__/  |__/|__/  \__/|_______/ 
          | $$                                                                                                              
          | $$                                                                                                              

Samctuary and Kaho for QA
Etterna streamers for playtesting the pack as the pack progresses ♥
You for downloading it and playing the pack ♥
Everyone who submitted a chart for the pack, whether the file got in or not
Poco for being a mad scientist with the lua stuff lmao.


  /$$$$$$   /$$$$$$   /$$                                                                 /$$
 /$$__  $$ /$$__  $$ | $$                                                                | $$
| $$  \ $$| $$  \__//$$$$$$    /$$$$$$   /$$$$$$  /$$  /$$  /$$  /$$$$$$   /$$$$$$   /$$$$$$$
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|__/  |__/|__/        \___/   \_______/|__/       \_____/\___/  \______/ |__/       \_______/

Samctuary here!

Just wanted to write a little afterword. I was in charge of the landing page for the pack download, 
as well as all the fun little easter eggs you might've found through the extras button~
I've had a lot of fun making these, and I hope you have a lot of fun exploring them!

Touhou has always been of huge significance to me, both personally and also in-game
I got started playing Gpop's touhou packs, without touhou I wouldn't be here at all,
but also touhou is a huge part of my life. It's one of the few passions I have
and as a result, I wanted to help try make this pack as enjoyable as possible. 
Touhou to me is something very important. It's been something I've loved for a long time.
Ever since 2008-ish, with the release of Subeterrenean Animism, I have almost
religiously followed touhou's music, lore, characters, games, official media.
Anything you can name. It's something that brings me great joy.
I wanted to channel that love I have for touhou into this project for James.

Ps: Okuu is best touhou, praise the sun!