Martzi Chart Conversion Permissions

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What's allowed to be converted?

I give blanket permission for almost any of my charts that are not outlined on this page to be converted to any other rhythm game. You do not need to contact me about permissions (However I don't mind being told if something is converted). My only rules regarding all conversions is to properly credit me!

What about tournament use?

I give blanket consent for my charts to be used in tournaments. This goes for Etterna and any other Rhythm game! So long as I am properly credited, I have no qualms with my files being used in any tournament.

Can I make edits?

You may NOT make any edits to my charts, unless they are specified on this page. The only edits that I allow are edits to fix holds if they are broken or awkward on osu, and edits to removes mines/etterna gimmicks so it is playable in other games. Editing anything else is not allowed.

What can't I convert?

You may NOT convert any charts that focus on using unique features of Etterna. This refers to any charts that focus on the following: Minedodge, Significant fake usage, xmod, cmod gimmicks, mineart.

You also may NOT convert any charts that I have not released on Etterna yet. If you get a single by me, and it is not released on Etterna. I do not want it converted to any other games. For that, you MUST ask consent.

How do you want to be credited?

I would prefer to be credited as Martzi or Samctuary if possible. I don't mind being credited as DourGent if you are just tagging my Osu account or something, however outside of that, please use Martzi or Samctuary, thank you!