Editing Metadata

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How do I edit metadata?

If you're using Arrow Vortex, you can edit metadata by opening the file properties, shown below

From here, you can type in the name of a chart, the subtitle you want, the artist who made the song, credit yourself for making the chart, and set the gfx information. To set a preview, you press tab at the start of the section you want as your preview, then press tab at the end of the section, and then click the "set region" button at the bottom of the file properties, shown below.

In this section, you'll also be able to set a custom bpm value for what will appear in song select. This can be used to hide the real bpm, or show a stable bpm even if there's bpm changes.

My title is in Japanese! How do I add a translation?

To add a translation easily, save your chart in AV, then open the .sm in notepad. There should be a few fields there called "xTRANSLIT". Those are the transliteration/translation fields to fill in. If you type in those, when you press F9 in-game, you will swap between the two titles.

My chart still says its difficulty 1?

To manually set the difficulty of your chart, you'll have to enter the chart property options in Arrow Vortex. Once opened, there will be a text box with the number 1 in it, this is your difficulty value. To edit a different difficulty, click the drop down box and select another difficulty. You can also add your name here if you wish, for extra credit.

I want to change my background mid song!

simple background changes (bgchanges) are possible by going into your .sm, and adding a "#BGCHANGES:" segment to the .sm below "#STOPS:". Bgchanges must be written in a specific format, that being "xx.xx=bgimage=1.000=0=0=1=====,", where "xx.xx" is the beat, and "bgimage" is the background you want to change to. This is the basic bgchange format, and comes with "strechnoloop" option enabled, which will make the bg image stretch to the entire viewport of the game. Getting the beat time format is easy, for Arrow Vortex, you go View > Status > View Beat, and for DDream, you simple change the time format to "beats". However, if you're using ddreamstudio, make sure to subtract 1 to every beat timestamp you use, because DDream beats are always 1 beat forward! I wrote a quick tool to help with converting timestamps to bgchanges. It's not comprehensive, but it should help! Link below, along with example picture of bgchanges.

Find the tool here: Samctuary BGchange formatter