bgchange timestamp formatter

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This tool will convert timestamps formatted a certain way into useable BGchange metadata to add into your .sm.

How to use:

Upload a .txt file with lines in the format "113:00 - Black", where "113:00" is the beat time format, and "black" is the image name. choose the image format in the dropdown, and this tool will convert each line of the .txt to "451.00=black.png=1.000=0=0=1=====".

If you tick "ddream" it will subtract 1 from whatever timestamp you give it - this is because Ddreamstudio is always 1 beat forward compared to the game's own bgchange timing for beats.

DDream starts on beat 1, and Etterna starts on beat 0.

If you use arrow Vortex, you don't need to do anything, but if it makes you feel good you can click the arrow vortex box too :D

Check out Zeta's bgchange tool too! It's much more comprehensive: Zeta's bgchanges tool


Example text document

ddream example

How to view beats in AV